Our Story
Both Don Leoncio and Doña Octavia are worthy representatives of the 4th generation of two mezcalera families. This means that the merger of this couple is enriched by the two family lines, devoted to the culture of exalting the agave delicacy.
Then, Dainzú is born, bringing together knowledge and experience of two mezcal lifes and stories intertwined by love. It was launched in December 2000 with a small mezcal factory that had only the necessary tools and instruments, alongside a small and rustik kiosk made out of plastered adobe with a clay tile roof.
And just like this, with great faith, enthusiasm and courage, Leoncio and Octavia started this great project.
Nowadays more than a company, we are a great family 100% matatecan, Oaxacan and Mexican, founded on the solid pillars of strength, honesty, loyalty and humility.
We aim to offer an outstanding mezcal while welcoming you to this great mezcalera family. Do remember that my mezcal is yours, so let’s enjoy Well crafted sips of Art and Tradition!

Find out about our full mezcal family history here.
Mezcal Dainzu - Shandiaw Sbahs SPR de RL